Friday 30 April 2010

Another winning (today from Anies EShop) penutup April yg indah...& quick update on lovely prizes recently received..

When I checked my email this morning, I saw an email from Anie Eshop, informing me that I won the first prize, and would be receiving a TUDUNG EKIN as the prize!!!!! best tak pernah ada tudung Ekin ni...:)

Anyway, the result is published HERE!!

And so delighted to see my comper frens like ZaiKulim, Puan Bunga and Anin (seindahbayu) are also the winners for Anis Eshop menang together2 :)

Anyway, this whole week, me keep on receiving the prizes that me won from blog-based contest...
here are some that have reached me:

♥♥♥ Prize from Shopperlicious - 
me love the Pink Sandal and the Belt...earrings tu me tak pakai (sbb me tak bertindik)...nanti boleh bg part of hadiah my giveaway soon kot :p ada ker org nak?

♥♥♥ DVD Fast & Furious 4 won from FastBlox lucky draw
- dvd ori ni ...berapa yer harga kat Msia sbb kalau kat UK, around 10-12 pound jugak kalau latest kalau convert dlm dpt DVD free :)

♥♥♥ Bj baby from CuteyKids giveaway kat bj tu cute, tp bj ni saiz kecik yg teramat...and long sleeve - my mom kata tak sesuai kalau nak pakaikan utk newborn baby yg sgt2 fragile mcm mana tu...after all, bj free kan... 

♥♥♥ handmade cards (2pcs) from Lin Handmade Greeting Card

...sweet sgt kad2 ni :) me love creative thingy like this :)

That's all...still awaiting few items from blog contest that me have just won :) excited tunggu hadiah as usual

Alhamdullah...Happy me

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