Monday 22 March 2010

Mommy and kids' day out >>> jalan2 @ city 21st March 2010

The weather has improved tremendously compared to the first time when we arrived it's pretty ok to go out and jalan2...and the best part, I dun have to wear my bulky winter coat anymore, except for the sweater which is still a must, since the temperature during daytime is now around 10 degree celsius.<< it was freezing zero degree couple of months ago...

bas lmbt sampai,so guna timer amik pic near the bus stop

Mr Hubby is working on weekends, so to avoid extreme dullness of staying at home, I took out my 2 kids for jalan2 @city >>naik bas!! and of course pushing my lil Ariff in the stroller while Zharfan walked...

In the city...
ada eye of nottingham, but unable to have  a ride yet coz me with stroller and 2 to come with Mr hubby lah klau nak naik benda ni...

after lots of walking and playing at indoor playground in one of the malls (Broadmarsh Shoppin Centre)...I let Zharfan to be in the stroller, and me carryiny Ariff in baby carrier...>>rasa mcm nak tercabut lutut carrying 8kg Ariff and pushing 14kg Zharfan in the stroller...and both fell asleep due to exhaustion..

some pics at playground

still, i got to walk to catch  a bus, and sempat lg window-shopping at Marks &Spencer, Primark, Boots, Next, and managed to grab a dress kaler purple/blue tiny floral pattern at Dorothy Perkins @Victoria Centre << sbb ada sale...
me posing in new zharfan tlg snap this pakai tudung pink sbb mls nak iron tudung kaler purple/blue :p
the dress was priced GBP 30 normal price, and reduced to GBP me bought one!!me dilanda wabak 'gile' beli dress to cure ni...

penat, yet puas ati lah :p
-mama zharfan-


  1. wahh...rajinnya suzz jejalan ngan kids...anyway I like your dress very much...baju kat sana jauh lebih murah banding ngan Malaysia han?...hmmm

  2. ala ayu...tak de la murah2 sgt pun, tapi kalau fulus byk, heaven la beli baju kat sini, sbb byk choice!!

  3. hehe...chayokk!! berani g city dgn 2 org budak...klu kt dgn nufah sorg pun mcm tkut2..hehe.. plus xlarat nk carry or dukung dia. mmg nk tercabut lutut kak carry sorg, tolak stroller tu kena beli satu dress utk diri sdri..baru berbaloi :D
