Thursday 11 March 2010

‘giveaway... wanna be my hot lucky girlz?’

[NOTE: please click on each image below for a larger picture and clearer dialogues]

to join this HOTTT giveaway, just click HERE!!

the prize is as what u can see in the banner below (ie the dress + tudung) which is sooo hotttt & lovely!!!

-from lil Ariff (on behalf of his Mommy)-


sya said...

ariff....comel giler!!!!!! silap2 meenang sb aksi2 cute dia..haha

fARahAnNa biNTi rAhmaN said...

jom join giveaway kite...

fARahAnNa biNTi rAhmaN said...

war2kan pade kwn2 eh...

Mama Zharfan said...

sya : tq ;)

farahanna : Thanks for the invitation ;) Insya Allah, nanti i join ;)


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