Friday 26 March 2010

Confessions from a new Dress-a-holic ;)

Lately, I've become very obsessed with dresses....

and....the obsession is aggravated by the fact that...
✿✿✿ ...there are simply myriad of lovely, gorgeous dresses selection here in UK ..welll.... spring/summer is coming lots of new dress collection available everywhere....and purchase is just few mouse clicks away....either online or even at the shop/boutique...

>>>becoz me is wearing tudung, of course when me put on my dress, me wear it with a pair of jeans...

why me have this 'dress-a-holic' syndrome....

other than the reason mentioned above..
♥♥♥ like dressing in dress coz it looks decent (it covers my big hips & butts)..

♥♥♥ ....& me believe it looks trendy, chic and stylish in dress :p :p

♥♥♥ me love taking pics...and since me & family planning to visit London soon (and France & Spain later), so me must have a collection of nice dress.... so that can snap nice pics with nice scenery in nice dress :p...what a reason :p :p

so far, me have managed to grab 4 dresses since me arrived here...and this one is the latest one....

me bought this one online ( love this Next brand,coz the design is nice ;) and the delivery is prompt too(if order today, tomorrow got it straightaway!)

and me can bet that this one won't be the last in the list ;)...

and me is delighted to know that my niece is also sharing the same dress-a-holic syndrome with me...she's a teenager after-all, so she is well justified to be stylish & trendy in dress ;)

written by a dress-a-holic-
-mama zharfan-


  1. cantik la baju tu....suka sgt..

  2. cantik ker ;) in my eyes memang cantik ler..tu psl beli tu ;) me suka floral design ;) beli jgn tak beli ;)
