Wednesday 24 March 2010

Another glittering winning.....b.r.o.o.c.h.....>>>>BizzKizz Collection Contest 2010

I was sooo excited to see Siti Sifir's message at my comment box ....that I've been selected as one of the winners for BizzKizz Collection Contest 2010.

The result is available at  

Me didn't win the GP, but being selected as one of the 3 conso winners is blissful enough ;) rezeki menang brooch...

so this is my prize....
bolehlah ku tampil penuh bergaya dgn aksesori2 yg elegan ini...

Thanks a bunch to Siti Sifir as the organizer, and of course to BizzKizz Collection for kindly sponsoring the contest!!


happy me
-mama zharfan-

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