Tuesday 16 March 2010

Another blissful winning from J&J -->>>>>> A new camcorder!!

I was so thrilled this morning when I received an email from my bro...telling me that Johnson&Johnson called him, that I won 2nd prize in their contest (under hubby's name)!!

The contest is "Celebrating Your Pride & Joy Moment with Johnson's Baby / Giant"
and the prize that I won is worth RM1500!! Alhamdulillah, memang rezeki my lil Ariff!!

Feeling so lucky and blessed to win the main prize, as only one winner is chosen for each of the 3 main prizes ;) so now Ariff is equal to his elder bro Zharfan >> Zharfan also won a camcorder for being the first prize winner in year 2007 in Pa&Ma-JVC contest.

Can't remember which pic of Ariff that I sent for the contest, either the one he's in ladybird costume or the one he is posing meniarap on the bed... ;)

My lucky stars have been shining with Johnson&Johnson, coz this is 3rd time me winning main prizes from them...first time me won 2nd prize in Johnson Baby Milk Bath Contest, 2nd time we won GP in Salaman Kasih J&J (got cash +holiday), and now got camcoder!!


Feeling blessed,
-mama zharfan-


  1. best tu dapat camcoder...best2 congrats suzz

  2. uii,..best betul nih...rezeki anak2 ni kan.

  3. huhu murah betul la rezeki mama nih.
    itu penangan sbb rajin join contest kan. cayolah!!

  4. unlisted_one, momma mia & intan : yepp..memang rezeki anak2 ;) berkat usaha mak suka masuk contest ;)
