Saturday 13 February 2010

"MOBS & Gift That Angel Send : Showers of Love Contest"

MOBS and Gift That Angel Send is having the above contest, which runs till 20 feb.

Here is my pic entry...

Mommy's name: Suzi @ Mama Zharfan
Baby's name: Zharfan Shah
Baby's age:4 years plus
Baby's gender: Boy
email address:

"My Zharfan loves taking shower and playing with water ever since he was a small baby...until now he is 4 years old plus...still obsesses with water play...can spend hours and hours in bath tub LOL...hope to send him for swimming class soon ;)

For details of the contest, click HERE!!

-Mama Zharfan-

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    This is from the sponsor. Thank you for your entry. We will update you once we have the winner list.

    Thank you and have a nice day

