Hanz@CCM is having her first giveaway for 2010. I'm joining...
serba sedikit bagaimana birthday tu disambut:
This is my Zharfan's 3rd bday party celebration held at KFC Wangsa Maju..it was fun-filled, complemented with tasty food, lots of laughters, games, chit-chat, lovely bday presents& gifts, and it was actually mommy's friend's gathering jugak, coz when the party was held, I have just come back from UK. The best, memorable part is all mommies, daddies and children sporting sgt2 masa games time...beria-ia bermain..lagipun dapat best jugak hadiah2 sponsored by kfc ie toys stuff ;) bday boy's mommy pun bermain dgn sesungguh hati..i really enjoyed myself on that day :p..and indeed this is the BEST bday party ever for my Zharfan!
nama anak: Ahmad Zharfan Shah
tarikh lahir : 24/5/2005
bila sambutan birthday tu dibuat: 25th May 2008.
o yess...I think the above pic is unique because of the following reason ie as per edited version of the pic <--Hanz take note, the below pic is not meant for the contest yer...

(click on the following list of banners respectively to know more about the sponsor!)

-mama zharfan-
Hi Suzie! Thanks for your participation. Noted. Good luck!
orait hanz! ;)
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