Saturday 20 February 2010

East Midland Factory Designer Outlet

This morning me & my family went for window-shopping at the famous East Midlands Factory Designer Outlet, which is located 30-min drive away from our home. well...I can't do my fav retail theraphy at the moment (still struggling to with the budget and expenses here) so Insya Allah, after my hubby start working soon, can do some shopping ;)

anyway, this Factory Designer Outlet is where we can buy some famous brand at a very reduced price compared to normal retail price. I have few brands/outlets which are my fav and must-visit one...

I love Next (clothing)
Tefal cookware (dah tanda nak beli set periuk yg mana nanti...)


Cadbury choc

got quite a number actually (there's also Marks & Spencer which is packed with customers..i ada berkenan 2 blouses, so tanda dulu, tunggu bila budget mengizinkan bolehlah beli),GAP clothing, etc... but I didn't snap pic of all the outlets lah...nanti jd mcm reporter plak..

here are pics of  some other famous branded outlets..

here there's a kids' playground,
and a  food court (of course food non-halal one)...
but since the weather was very2 cold (despite the fact that it is a sunny, bright dayt!!), we were all starving (though dah breakfast pun kat umah) we ended up buying sandwiches at the cafe (beli sandwich telur & tuna)...and that cost 5.10 pound..emmm..what to do, lapar punya psl...
 my ariff is in good mood today...happy je duduk jer dlm stroller tu...biasanyer selalu nak berdukung ajer...

-mama zharfan-


AyuArjuna BiGoshh said...

banyaknya handbag....mahu pengsan nak memilihnya..bestnya suzz...tanda suzz..tanda..hehe

Emma said...

ada open order x? hehe

-mama emma®-

Ezna Khalili said...

Clarks....i like.....suka suka...:-) mau rambang mata gi UK nih

Anonymous said...

Thank for sharing good and useful information. This information is very valuable.

East Midlands


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