I'm joining the above contest by Mrs Najmi...which offers the following prize...

sponsored by Dini's Tupperware Kiosk.

Giveaway ends on 15 march...
Details are available
HERE!the following is my entry:
AZAM/PERUBAHAN/MATLAMAT YG SAYA MAHU LAKSANAKAN DI 2010--> I wanna visit FRANCE ( specifically DisneyLand Paris & Eiffel Tower)
Full-commitment untuk siapkan thesis on time
Ready, always ready to give full support to hubby to search for part-time job (now still job-hunting)
Amat penting for me to give my full support to hubby.. sbb income hubby though part-time basis boleh menambah savings kami sekeluarga
Ni yang paling i kena usahakan iaitu..
Cermat dan berjimat dalam perbelanjaan so that i will have
Enough savings and budget to realize my azam! ......oh FRANCE, here I come ;)

-mama zharfan-
da baca kisah kat disneyland and eiffel tower?
kebetulan cik puan kenal dengan hakim membuatkan hakim tidak dapt di pamerkan
huhuhu E for Ezna....wah best best Disneyland Paris.....
joe - belum baca...kat blog u ker?
ezz - jom gi disneyland sama2 :p
Salam mama zharfan
Wah dah sampai UK ye. Besnye. Good luck for your PhD and thank u for participating
salam puan hayati ;) thanks for visiting my entry ;) harap2 ada rezeki dpt tupperware yg cun itu :p
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