I'm joining the above giveaway, which is due on 9th March 2010.
My referrer (ie from where I got to know about this contest/giveaway) is ZaiKulim.
To know details of this giveaway, click HERE!
-mama zharfan-
Sunday, 28 February 2010
Saturday, 27 February 2010
"Like Princess Photo Contest"
I'm joining the above contest by Funky Chic, which is due on 14th March..
Lil bit about Funky Chic --> an e-store for all those trendy and funky gals & ladies (that include mummies of course)..where some really lovely stuff are available for sale at an affordable price!
I really love the way the stuff sold there is named, like....funky luxury, funky victoria, funky lips, funky hosta, funky boxripe pashmina, funky stripes pashmina and shawl abstrak...indeed FUNKY!!
[i already fall in love with funky luxury and funky victoria!!]
kekurangan that I can see from the site...emm..nothing obvious...but I would love to see more choices of products sold here such as funky footwear, funky nightwear perhaps ;)
Full details of the contest are available HERE!
since more than one pic is allowed, so here are some of my pics in my best, favourite outfits!!
for this contest, i've to tag some blogger friends to join, so i wanna tag
-mama zharfan-
Lil bit about Funky Chic --> an e-store for all those trendy and funky gals & ladies (that include mummies of course)..where some really lovely stuff are available for sale at an affordable price!
I really love the way the stuff sold there is named, like....funky luxury, funky victoria, funky lips, funky hosta, funky boxripe pashmina, funky stripes pashmina and shawl abstrak...indeed FUNKY!!
[i already fall in love with funky luxury and funky victoria!!]
kekurangan that I can see from the site...emm..nothing obvious...but I would love to see more choices of products sold here such as funky footwear, funky nightwear perhaps ;)
Full details of the contest are available HERE!
now my pic entry for the contest...
since more than one pic is allowed, so here are some of my pics in my best, favourite outfits!!
#the following outfits; they are for formal occasions like jamuan open house, kenduri etc
[note: click on the pic to see larger image]
#the following are my all-time favourite outfit
pink dotted blouse - in pic, the event was my boy's birthday party
red kebaya with long pants - in pic, the event was anugerah hari ibu by karangkraf
floral long dress - this one free size/stretchable, so I wear it during normal weight and during preggy pun
in pic, the event was my friend's daughter ie Dania's bday party, and pic masa holiday kat cameron highlands
these following two colourful dress cum blouse are my favourite - wearing it masa leisure outings, holidays, even for prize-giving!
for this contest, i've to tag some blogger friends to join, so i wanna tag
-mama zharfan-
Friday, 26 February 2010
Moms & Tots Cloth Diapers Giveaway @ Mummy's Review [Giveaway #4]
I'm joining the above giveaway, which ends on 28th February.
2 lucky winners will walk away with cloth diapers sponsored by Mom & Tots store.
To join, click HERE!
-mama zharfan-
2 lucky winners will walk away with cloth diapers sponsored by Mom & Tots store.
To join, click HERE!
-mama zharfan-
2 months really flies..
Day in day out...it has been 2 months now me & family living here in Notts...life in a foreign country, far away from homeland ...of course has its challenges, other than new experiences ..
One of the main challenges is none other than financial matters, as my family doesn't get allowance from govt (me under split-phd programme, so only entitled to personal allowance for me only)..we really struggle to make the end meet...
Alhamdulillah, with the blessings of Allah and rezeki of my kids, Mr Hubby has started working since the last few days, as care assistant at the Belvoir Vale Residential Rest Home, which is located about 20 min-drive from our house. At least hubby's income can cover groceries expenses, and if ada rezeki lebih, we hope to visit some places here in Europe (me wanna go to France, and hubby wanna go to Spain :p)
So far, sempat la bwk my Zharfan naik tram once ie jln2 kat city, sempat naik double decker bus couple of time - he's so excited about this thing..kids ;)
and sempat jugak pegi window-shopping at Toys R Us near Derby, which is a very large toys store - Zharfan dh siap tanda which toys he wanna buy, especially a Ben-10 bike...I said to him, "tunggu papa keje and dpt gaji ok" ;)
Me praying hard so that everything will be smooth, esp my study which is the main and only reason I'm here now...so we have 7 remaining months to live our life here..to the fullest perhaps ;)
-mama zharfan-
One of the main challenges is none other than financial matters, as my family doesn't get allowance from govt (me under split-phd programme, so only entitled to personal allowance for me only)..we really struggle to make the end meet...
tempat keje hubby- a private luxury resort cum rest home for senior citizens
Alhamdulillah, with the blessings of Allah and rezeki of my kids, Mr Hubby has started working since the last few days, as care assistant at the Belvoir Vale Residential Rest Home, which is located about 20 min-drive from our house. At least hubby's income can cover groceries expenses, and if ada rezeki lebih, we hope to visit some places here in Europe (me wanna go to France, and hubby wanna go to Spain :p)
some of the trips in my wish list - the trips are under Perantau Holidays
and sempat jugak pegi window-shopping at Toys R Us near Derby, which is a very large toys store - Zharfan dh siap tanda which toys he wanna buy, especially a Ben-10 bike...I said to him, "tunggu papa keje and dpt gaji ok" ;)
Me praying hard so that everything will be smooth, esp my study which is the main and only reason I'm here now...so we have 7 remaining months to live our life here..to the fullest perhaps ;)
-mama zharfan-
Lovely prize from Lady In Red Giveaway
the prize is sooo sweettttt...
actually, this is the replacement of the original gift, which was broken when it reached me last time. the contest organizer [ms afidah] is so kind to send the replacement gift , the 2nd time was done via courier..first time it was sent via normal post [pos msia]..
TQ soo much Ms Afidah....the prize really makes me smile for the whole day ;)
happy me
-mama zharfan-
actually, this is the replacement of the original gift, which was broken when it reached me last time. the contest organizer [ms afidah] is so kind to send the replacement gift , the 2nd time was done via courier..first time it was sent via normal post [pos msia]..
TQ soo much Ms Afidah....the prize really makes me smile for the whole day ;)
happy me
-mama zharfan-
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
I'm joining the above giveaway by myra_zoe, which is due on 28 feb.
Here is the contest details:
I wanna join this contest but using my previous blog entry...which is a story under the theme love.
The story is available HERE!
To myra_zoe, tq for organizing the contest.
Semoga hidup anda sentiasa dilimpahi cinta!!
-mama zharfan-
Here is the contest details:
I wanna join this contest but using my previous blog entry...which is a story under the theme love.
The story is available HERE!
To myra_zoe, tq for organizing the contest.
Semoga hidup anda sentiasa dilimpahi cinta!!
-mama zharfan-
S.H.O.P.P.E.R.L.I.C.I.O.U.S .....shoes and girly stuff to fall in love with!
I'm preparing a wish list for her - forever my dear,
Online shopping spree of girly stuff.. that's for sure...
Online shopping spree of girly stuff.. that's for sure...
Shopperlicious is just a few clicks away,
Online shopping is really fulfilling - it makes my day!
Online shopping is really fulfilling - it makes my day!
Belt, flat sandal, kurung and earring
Tudung, watch @ bangle - a lot of things
padding shoes, pumps, shoes and shoes,
that’s a lotttt of shoes…just click and choose!!
Simply precious gift of love a girl, a lady, a woman will ever need,
All the shoes collection are nice, it’s fabulous and sweet,
flat sandal is also equally lovely for my feet...
All the shoes collection are nice, it’s fabulous and sweet,
flat sandal is also equally lovely for my feet...
A gorgeous Crushey kurung for my sis , that’s a real treat!
A shelf full of shoes for my sis I dream to give,
So that she won’t run out of shoes, as long as she shall live ;)
Filling the shelf should not be hard -no need for a mall!,
Shopperlicios has it all!!!!
So that she won’t run out of shoes, as long as she shall live ;)
Filling the shelf should not be hard -no need for a mall!,
Shopperlicios has it all!!!!
That's not the end of my posting,
Shopperlicious is currently having a contest - extremely interesting!!
Friends and bloggers, what are u all waiting?
2 pairs wedges + 2 pairs earing + watch +padding shoe +mystery gift…
That's not the end of my posting,
Shopperlicious is currently having a contest - extremely interesting!!
Friends and bloggers, what are u all waiting?
2 pairs wedges + 2 pairs earing + watch +padding shoe +mystery gift…
I dream of winning ;)
To know is to love..
Kenapa kena beli kasut kat Shopperlicious….
tak kenal maka tak cinta
sudah kenal bolehlah berbelanja sambil bergaya :)
I do love Shopperlicious…simply because…
the uber cool layout,
the fun ‘feet tips’ and whatnot;
the fun ‘feet tips’ and whatnot;
the fantabulous fashion buzz,
the coolest trends and absolute musts;
the first of its kind,
the very cool kind;
kudos to turning one,
and many many more to come!
the coolest trends and absolute musts;
the first of its kind,
the very cool kind;
kudos to turning one,
and many many more to come!
Happy 1st Anniversary to you Shopperlicious, and a bunch of thanks for thegiveaway!!
-mama zharfan-
I'm joining the above contest, which is due on 28 feb
here is my pic entry..
(please click on the pic to see the larger version/full view)
(please click on the pic to see the larger version/full view)
and the slogan is..
"Saya suka pakai brooch kerana...
itulah rahsia aura pesona, penampilan istimewa anggun bergaya!"
to join, click HERE!
thanks BizzKizz Collection for kindly sponsoring the contest!!
-mama zharfan-
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Have u ever heard of ELC?
a happy tuesday...for another winning .....from Parenthood/Today Publishing :)
this morning i received a letter via email, saying that i have won an ELC Blossom Farm-Sit-Me-Up Cosy worth RM269! Alhamdulillah, indeed rezeki for my boys ;)
this is how the prize look like...
the item that i won costs around GBP45 here in UK..
anyway, ELC is a famous branded toys in UK - there numerous ELC outlets all over UK, even in notts city i noticed there are at least 2 outlets..
tq Parenthood!! worth me being a loyal fan & reader ;)
feeling blessed,
-mama zharfan-
this morning i received a letter via email, saying that i have won an ELC Blossom Farm-Sit-Me-Up Cosy worth RM269! Alhamdulillah, indeed rezeki for my boys ;)
this is how the prize look like...
the item that i won costs around GBP45 here in UK..
anyway, ELC is a famous branded toys in UK - there numerous ELC outlets all over UK, even in notts city i noticed there are at least 2 outlets..
tq Parenthood!! worth me being a loyal fan & reader ;)
feeling blessed,
-mama zharfan-
Do you still remember your first day at school??
Yesterday was my Zharfan's first day at school -->Radford Primary School. (Before this, my Zharfan has been attending Radford Nursery/playschool while waiting to get a place in primary skool)..
Zharfan in his school uniform (white polo-shirt and blue black sweater/sweatshirt, plus black trousers)
Zharfan at the school entrance ..we are so lucky coz our rented house is just 5 minute walk from school ;)
This is where Zharfan hangs/put his coat/winter jacket
Zharfan poses in his class - since we arrived early on the first day - mama yg lebih2 semangat + excited ;)
Zharfan's classroom..
Zharfan is now in 'Reception Class' which is meant for 4-5 years old student. Year One is for students of 5 years old and above (kat msia standard one starts from 7 years old) so here 2 years earlier then..
o yess...balik dari skool pukul 3.30 (scholl hrs from 8.50 am - 3.30 pm), papa fetch zharfan..and zharfan got homework already ie reading task!! kena practice reading of two books lent by his teacher for him!!
-excited mummy-
mama zharfan
Zharfan in his school uniform (white polo-shirt and blue black sweater/sweatshirt, plus black trousers)
Zharfan at the school entrance ..we are so lucky coz our rented house is just 5 minute walk from school ;)
This is where Zharfan hangs/put his coat/winter jacket
Zharfan poses in his class - since we arrived early on the first day - mama yg lebih2 semangat + excited ;)
Zharfan's classroom..
Zharfan is now in 'Reception Class' which is meant for 4-5 years old student. Year One is for students of 5 years old and above (kat msia standard one starts from 7 years old) so here 2 years earlier then..
o yess...balik dari skool pukul 3.30 (scholl hrs from 8.50 am - 3.30 pm), papa fetch zharfan..and zharfan got homework already ie reading task!! kena practice reading of two books lent by his teacher for him!!
-excited mummy-
mama zharfan
Baby Crying Contest

I'm joining the above contest by Aulad Jannah, which runs till 28th Feb.
Baby's name : Ariff
Age : 10 months old
Age when the pic was tekan : 10 months old (-->this pic was snapped last 2 days!)
Lil bit about the pic : My Ariff was crying (nangis sesungguh hati ni...) because Mama paksa Ariff to pose whereas he didn't want to, coz it was extremely cold, snowy, wintry day...Mama biasalah, wanna capture Ariff's pic in sweetest pose...tp misi gagal nampaknyer ;)
Age : 10 months old
Age when the pic was tekan : 10 months old (-->this pic was snapped last 2 days!)
Lil bit about the pic : My Ariff was crying (nangis sesungguh hati ni...) because Mama paksa Ariff to pose whereas he didn't want to, coz it was extremely cold, snowy, wintry day...Mama biasalah, wanna capture Ariff's pic in sweetest pose...tp misi gagal nampaknyer ;)
to join this contest, click HERE!
Mama Zharfan
" Contest Aksi Gigit si Manja "

I'm joining the above contest by Momma Mia, which runs till 1st March.
nama anak : Ariff
tarikh lahir : 15/04/2009
nama ibu : Suzi
WHY I rasa aksi gigit my si manja is notti / cute / macho / sweet : i rasa aksi gigit Ariff ni notti+cute+sweet sbb dia memang excited and having fun bila gigit2 brg2 termasuklak toys lego mcm dlm pic ni..siap nampak 2 btg gigi depan tu...
tarikh lahir : 15/04/2009
nama ibu : Suzi
WHY I rasa aksi gigit my si manja is notti / cute / macho / sweet : i rasa aksi gigit Ariff ni notti+cute+sweet sbb dia memang excited and having fun bila gigit2 brg2 termasuklak toys lego mcm dlm pic ni..siap nampak 2 btg gigi depan tu...
to join this contest, click HERE!
-mama zharfan-
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