Monday 18 January 2010

Weekend activities in Notts...yeah...we love WEEKENDS!!!

Spending weekend in Notts is somehow different from terms of actvities....

One of the top in the list of our FAV is---CAR BOOT SAL!E!!! yeah..we don't have that in yesterday, me and my family (together with Farizah's + Siti Omra-->all 3 cars inclu ours) went to car boot sale in Derby (about 15 miles from Notts)...well...that's aout first car boot car sale trip since we arrived ahere..simply because the weather has been pretty bad and awfully cold, and we had yet to buy car for the past few weekends here..

so what did i get from my first car boot sale 'visit'??
nothing much...few stuff for zharfan & ariff (toys, bedroom slippers), a duo stroller (fairly still ok to be used )..and few pieces of crystal souvenirs as well!!!

our other last weekend activities include - pick up a tv from a friend's hse (she' going bakc to msia for good), groceries shopping @Asda, and some household shopping @Collins-- that include small carpets for our living room ;)

my lil Ariff @ our small living room (see the pic of his toys that we bought from car boot sale ;)

-->this is the pic of our very" small living room..with the new small carpet, and a new tv- tomorrow baru dpt kabel/channel tv huhuhu-



  1. dah lamanya tak menjenguk ke sini...sedar2 dah ada kat luar negara dah....

  2. hmm...suzz tak pergi ski kat mana2 ke...masa weekend

  3. ayu....jom kiter terjah suzz kat UK.... :-)I Wish lar dpt merasa snow......

  4. sitisifir: :) i kat UK till end of Sept ni ajer..

    Ayu: tak sempat gi main snow board..kat notts tak de ada snow board ajer...tunggu snow lg, then may be nak try gak ;)

    ezz: jom la dtg sini niece may be dtg sini bln jun nanti, jln2 ;)
