Wednesday 27 January 2010

One month...

It has been one month since we arrived here at Notts...

Alhamdulillah, we have managed to almost 99% settled down..we got a house, car, Zharfan enrolled to school, me started my study proper...except for one more thing...hubby is still looking for a part-time job here. Life is not as easy as in Msia where hubby got monthly income...hoping that hubby gonna start working soon, Insya Allah..

anyway, we do love staying here...for UK is pretty safer place to live, and groceries shopping is a lot cheaper compared to Msia...but on the other side, services are quite expensive here, like for a car to be repaired it is very2 expensive..and here we got to pay tv licence annually, which costs around GBP 150, and the car insurance is more expensive than the car price the gas/heater bill which is not cheap...phew..

anyway we do love car boot sale here...something that we can't find in Malaysia..babies/kids toys are plentiful and cheap of course, household deco/souveniers...etc

and here in UK, the things at is very wide range to choose from, and there's free stuff to collect at freecycle too!!

and me love Mothercare as well, the outlet is sooo big and spacious, variety of items to choose from for lil ones!! we have yet to 'visit' IKEA notts branch yet..gonna do that soon :p

staying in UK makes me a better housewife- in terms of cooking...i do cook everyday now..:p well, eating out is also possible here, but of course not all the times like we used to do in Msia ;)

~mama Zharfan~


  1. wah..dh byk brg kak suzie dh..hehe..carboot mmg best!! :D

  2. heheh...boleh lah umah kecik..tak leh letak or kemas plak kalau btk sgt brg huhuh

  3. suzz beli byk boleh ke u angkut semua balik Malaysia? klu carboot ada kat Malaysia kan??

  4. Moge2 dipermudahkan segale urusan ye!

  5. waahh mcm sonok je tgk carboot sale tu..mesti murah2 kan.

  6. Ayu, carboot sale kat pekarangan Stadium Shah Alam pagi ahad rasanyer....check la..wah suzz....duduk oversea kita kena pandai berjimat...ehmmm.....duit lebih boleh bawak gi jalan2 nanti ke Disneyland Paris...huhuhu :-)

  7. Ma kata, Zharfan handsome and Ariff cute tembam. Cik Teh rindu Zharfan and Ariff. Mmuuahhh!!!

  8. ayu : kalau byk sgt brg, nanti i tumpang/sewa kontena kwn2 ygnak balik msia :)

    Ena : tq for the prayers!

    Farah : memang best carboot sale ni..sbb barg2 yg dijual elok2 lagi + murah banget!! (tp dlm BGBP lah)

    Ezz: memang jimat2 pun Ezz..harap2 ada budget nanti nak gi Paris...

    Cik Teh : we all miss u too, and everyone in Malaysia!!!

  9. huhu, gram tgk anak sis ni..
