..Radford, Nottingham, NG7 3FB..
that's gonna be the location where our lil cozy home is located...for the next 9 months in UK...
let's layan some of the pics..
my boys at the small living room area..
and we do our laundry at the laundry shop...£2 for washer and £1 for dryer for every time we do it :p
~mama zharfan~
suzz nampak sweet jer kitchen u...huishh kalaulah I dapat visit u kat sana...kehkeh..(cam la byk duit) huhu
eh..boleh jer dtg sini ayu...air asia tix are affordable...esp kalau u beli masa promo ;) ...senang jer ayu..u menang cash byk2, then dtg ler holiday kat sini ;)
Bestnyer....u masak apa suzz?....masa winter makan maggi pun yummy (masa i kat Beijing).....
ala ezz...msk simple2 ajer..apa2 yg i tau ajer lor..tp memang msk everyday..fulltime!!!
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