Sunday 20 December 2009

Some pleasant winnings...before flying off ;)

Alhamdulillah...I won some lovely prizes this week...rezeki for me & kids....just before I fly off next weekend...

1) Me won Fisher Price Baby Booster Seat worth RM 199.90 plus 7 boxes of Nestum Gold (oat prunes) worth RM 50, from a contest in Mami Baby Magz (Today Publishing ) issue Sept '09. Feeling sooo happy and blessed...coz not easy to win from this magz -many readers and compers nowadays :p (me among the 12 lucky winners)..

2) Me won a Sweet Cherry baby potty cum stepper, also from Today Publishing ;)

3) and another lil winning from GSC online contest - won lil prizes of backpack + 2 movie tixs (dunno got time to watch movie or not), coz now very bz with final prep to UK...

Feeling blessed,
~Mama Zharfan~


  1. you are just like me, join me at for more blog contest update ya :)

  2. thanks mummy emir for the contest update it!!!
