This is an auto-entry..
Me & family are leaving for Notts on 26th December 3pm from LCCT to Stansted Airport Londin UK via Air Asia-X...
Would be arriving at Stansted almost midnite...so would be staying overnite at Holiday Express Hotel near the airport, and the next morning, we would be taking a coach (ie bus) to Notts (that takes another 4 hr journey)...
Not sure when I would be having access to internet, as me need to settle down - to get and move in to a rented house, get the internet line installed, register Zharfan to nursery etc
To all my dear blogger friends, family & relatives pls pray for my smooth journey and happy life in Notts..
Mama Zharfan
Sure suzz....4u i will!!!! take a good care of yourself and your loved ones... :)
kak suzie, selamat jalan..kak wat pe sana? smbung study ker?
Wah best nya. Hv a safe Journey!. Amin.
cikwa doakan semoga selamat semua nya dan hingga ke akhirnya....
sz..all the best ya...n take care...
thanks for all the good wishes & prayers..cu all end of sept 2010 ;)
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