Wednesday 16 December 2009

Deep Blue Lense Photoshoot

The photoshoot was done @ the public park near PICC Putrajaya... last Sunday @ 11 am.

Thanks Emma & hubby @ Deep Blue Lense for the lovely, hubby & kids were having fun time posing for the shoot!!! Now can't wait to see the result!!! Mesti lawa giller kualiti of pics coz it is from a professional photographer!!!

~Mama Zharfan~


  1. huhu.. suzie, jgn la panggil kita org pro, lense camera pun pakai basic je...

    thanx for ur support.. insya allah kitaorg akan cuba siapkan cd tu b4 u fly ek...

    -mama emma®-

  2. thanks ;) tak sbrnyer tunggu cd tu........
