Saturday 12 December 2009

Cutest with nice smile baby contest


&ita Maternity is having a give away.
Let's check it out:

  • Add &ita maternity banner & links to your blog lists--done
  • Please attach your most cutest with smile baby photo in your blog(sekeping jek ek)
  • Here is the pic entry...

  • And lastly, email me your participation at Don't forget to leave your blog name/email.(comment box problem x tau naper, so email ek, sorry sgt..)--done
The contest will run for one month until 23 December 2009 . The winner will be selected based on the most cutest smile. I will announce the lucky winners on 25 December 2009.

Details of the prizes and contest is at
&ita Maternity

Mama Zharfan

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