Upon reaching home, I quickly put the cd into my pc at home...and...
walla!! all the pics are simply of highest quality...very bright, sharp...I love them all!!!
Thanks Emma @ Deep Blue Lense for the lovely opportunity of the photoshoot...
Insya Allah, me wanna hire ur service when we come back from UK end of next year ;)
To all my dear blogger friends...if u wanna have a great, lovely pics of u and ur family spending sweet moments together, don't hesitate to contact Emma @ Deep Blue Lense yer...the bonus part is, their package is very2 much AFFORDABLE ['outrages']...currently priced at as low as RM50 per session...NICE!!!
Thanks Emma for the all the gorgeous pictures!! its gonna be part of the sweet things for me to bring to UK...nanti bila rindu kat Msia bolehlah tengok2 pics ni :p
o yess...I have uploaded the pics into my PICASAWEB..feel free to have a peek..
and here are some of the pics for cuci-cuci mata ;)

~smiling ear to ear~
Mama Zharfan~
thanx suzie for d sweet words...
cepat tul gambar tu jd header... hehe
-mama emma®-
my pleasure ;) terima kasih daun keladi..Insya Allah next timeboleh photoshoot lagi ;)
jd header - mesti! sepantas kilat tu :p
cantiknyer gambar....nak jugak!!!
jom lah ezz...phpotoshoot dgn emma deep blue lense ni...sgat2 affrodable and nice quality too!!!
camna nk contact photographer ni erk? nice la
nice pic sis=)
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