Wednesday 18 November 2009 won a home theater set ;)

Alhamdulillah, this afternoon, when I was buying my lunch at univ cafe, I received a call from a lady, whom was calling from Parkson Klang...

my hubby's name won 2nd prize in Parkson Kota Bharu contest ;)- the prize is Philips Home Theater Set!!!

I joined the contest using hubby's name (as I was swiping hubby's Bonuslink card) when I was at kampung last few months.
The contest was exclusively held by Parkson KB in conjunction with their new opening at KB.

Thanks God...Alhamdulillah

Anyway, the winning is a joint-effort of my siblings - Awie (my youngest bro) was the one who made the drawings/siggy, me made the purchase + fill up+submit the form, my bro Ija gave us a lift/ride in his Hilux and my sis Hanim helped out with the purchase and to carry Ariff around during the shopping spree at Parkson KB.

Teamwork = Winning!!!

Feel blessed,
Mama Zharfan


  1. Rezeki u mmg murah yeah... I bc ur blog u slalu menang hadiah... Alhamdulillah, tu mmg dinamakan REZEKI.... :D

  2. Blog suzy nie "penuh" dgn kemenangan lah...murah rezeki tuuu :)


  3. Sue - yup, rezeki anak2 i ;) Alhamdulillah

    Intan - Alhamdulillah ;)
