Sunday 22 November 2009

Weekend activities : Shopping @ MOTHERCARE

We had family outings to 1U of our fav hang-out spots...

Zharfan & Papa went to watch movie 2012, I had to stay outside the cinema, taking care of lil Ariff ;)

so guess what's my activity then...

year-end-sale has I headed to my fav Mothercare outlet...
this is my hasil rembatan from Mothercare....of course not that cheap, but to have some discount is better than buying at normal price ;)

I simple love Mothercare brand- becoz of its reputation, lovely design and quality of course!!!

Oh yess, there was a promo of Dutch Lady Disney Hoopla Stars @ the centre sempat snap some pics, and I bought red Mickey polo tee for my 2 boys...can wear during Langkawi trip nanti ;)

Love shopping forever,
Mama Zharfan & Ariff

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