--> by joining Mysunshine Giveaway & Cloth Diaper Fund for RTAR.
3 bento box to be WON. Help Mysunshine buy Cloth Diaper or donate Cloth Diaper for RTAR and we might get our self a bento Starter Pack! Isnt that great?
To help RTAR cut cost from buying disposable diapers, Mysunshine Gift shop is doing a Cloth Diaper Fund. Target of 30 pcs Coolababy cloth diapers (for 3 kids, Arianna 3 months, Danial 1 1/2 yo & Nanda 2 yo). They need around RM800.
We can send your donation to Maybank a/c : zarina semuri a/c no : 1641 7366 2845 ( please indicate "RTAR CD donation"), amount and email details to zarinasemuri@yahoo.com
No matter how small our contribution, to RTAR CD fund, it makes HUGE different. They ask as little as RM10 per person & with 80 people give the same amount, they can get RM800, insyallah... May Allah reward us for our kind heart...
Or we can also donate cloth diaper. CD requiremet : 1 size CD, any color, preferrable snap button. Email Mysunshine for details.
Anyway, about the contest......
How to join this contest?
1. Make an entry in your blog/fotopages/facebook about Mysunshine giveaway & Cloth Diaper Fund for RTAR.--DONE
Anyway, about the contest......
How to join this contest?
1. Make an entry in your blog/fotopages/facebook about Mysunshine giveaway & Cloth Diaper Fund for RTAR.--DONE
2. leave your comment in this 'Giveaway entry'. So I can check when you post an entry in your blog/fotopages/facebook.-DONE
3. Send me email notification, with your details, like name/nick name & tel no.-DONE
4. You must put Mysunshine & RTAR banner/link in your blog/fotopages. You can copy the link from our top left blog.-DONE
5. Register as Mysunshine & RTAR follower-DONE
6. This is open for all Malaysian and international (but for international you have to pay your own shipping)--OK
7. ** Optional/not an obligation : make donation to our Cloth Diaper Fund for RTAR or donate cloth diaper--OK
8. Due date is 12 midnite on Friday 20 Nov 2009--OK
9. We will draw 3 winners and announce it on 23 Nov 09.
- entry can be in Bahasa or English--OK
013-4550013/ 05-6237530
email : rtar@streamyx.com
email : rtar@streamyx.com
No.53B, Kg Selabak Luar Batu 3,
Jln Changkat Jong, 36000 Teluk Intan
Rumah Titian Ashraful Rohaniah, located in Teluk Intan. Under care of Pn. Rohana & her husband with help from volunteer.
There are abt 60 adult under RTAR care, categories as Senior Citizen (Warga Tua), Neglected (Warga Terbiar), Orphans (Yatim), Special/Mentally Challenged, (warga istimewa), People with Disabilities (Warga Kurang Upaya).
The orphans/kids are baby Ariana 3 months, Danial 1 and half year, Nanda 2 years, Ainul 5 years & Farah 9 years.
Ok, Done!
Mama Zharfan
Ok, Done!
Mama Zharfan
congrats! you are a winner of mysunshine giveaway!
tQ!!! feel blessed & lucky ;)
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