Monday 2 November 2009

Mummy_Ayu Giveaway @ 1st Birthday Moment

Me joining another giveaway...organized by Mummy Ayu in conjunction with her princess' first bday...

so let's check it out:

1. Jadi follower Mummy Ayu & add Mummy Ayu dalam bloglist -- DONE
2. Tepek banner contest nie kan side bar kenkawan...-- DONE
3. Lagi bagus kalu buat sticky mode entry..senang nak jengah nanti.
4. The most important things....tepek kan gambar waktu baby tu
celebrate her/his 1st birthday..
tak kisah la kat mana, macam mana...
janji nampak baby tu ngan kek....


-->actually, this is the only pic yg ada muka mama, papa and zharfan dgn cake masa bday party zharfan ni...

5. Terbuka kepada kanak kanak di bawah 4 tahun
(so..maksudnya gambar 4 tahun yang lepas pun diterima...)--OK- pic kat atas was taken on 25th May 2006 ie 3 thn yg lepas (now year 2009 ;)

6. Masukkan nama penuh kanak kanak, tarikh lahir plus
cita la cikit cikit pasal her/his 1st bithday celebration tu...

My boy's name : AHMAD ZHARFAN SHAH
DOB : 24th May 2005
First bday celebration held on : 25th May 2006

Lil story about Zharfan first bday party...
Lots of 'first' thing!...
- first time amik catering service...excited sbb first bday for first child
-first time ajak my friends + relatives as guests for the bday party...masa ni kat umah sewa kat Taman Bolton

Some other quick facts:
-Party theme pooh + orange colour, so bday cake =>cake pooh! mama+papa+bday boy dressed in orange

-sebab mama tak de pengalaman buat bday party...masa nak potong kek, masa tu dah pukul 2 pm lebih, zharfan dah got cranky, nangis2, tak sempat potong kek. tu yg ada satu jer pic papa+mama+zharfan+cake (the first pic as above) mama bwk zharfan naik bedroom terus dia acara potong kek tak der lah..hohoho--> patutnyer acara potong kek diadakan lebih awal...cian bday boy...

- rasa nyesal sbb tak amik service photographer tak de pic yg nice...good lesson learnt...

-best part, apa lagi, time bukak hadiah ler....zharfan seems to enjoy it...sibuk gigit2 card bday ;) -in short, first bday is always the sweetest and the most memorable one...especially for first child!!!

6. Tarikh contest nie...dari la nie (sekarang) until my princess nya birthday 10 November 2009--OK

7. Hadiah biarla rahsia but satu je leh kasi taumy bestest friend dah agree nak jadi one of the penajaso..satu lagi syarat tambahan..kena link ngan blog Notti Netti & of coz link jugak ngan blog Mummy Ayu(tak de link direject)--OK, DONE

8. Tinggalkan link entry kenkawan kat komen box nie..--OK

9. Pemenang akan dipilih oleh para juri Mummy Ayu
(no undi undi...) ok!--OK

Done!! Thanks Mummy Ayu and Notti Netti!!

~mama zharfan~


  1. salam kenal...tq coz join my contest!..dah check dah ur entry..semua ok..good luck yer zharfan! meriah 1st b'day party dia...

  2. thanks sbb sudi jenguk + baca my entry ;)
