Mrs Najmi @ is having the above giveaway.
Let's check it out:
- Letak gambar LET'S GET ORGANISED giveaway di atas di side bar blog anda --DONE
- Buat satu entry bertemakan LET'S GET ORGANISED. Anda boleh berkongsi tips bagaimana anda organise/manage rumah contohnya dapur, bilik air, mainan anak2, kain baju dan pakaian, bilik study etc (ikut kreativiti masing-masing nak memilih)
Tips 2 : To organise your pictures which is your treasured memories, instead of printing them up (hard copy), or may be keep it as soft copy in your pc/laptop, you can make it in a better form/manage it via "PHOTOBOOK!" ....affordable, nice way to keep your pictures, and you can flip thru the books at leisure time without much hassle. They look nice too!! and you can entertain your guests by showing the photobook, instead of the conventional photo album, as the hard prints pics do wear & tear as the time goes by. o the best of my knowledge, we can easily order photobook online via pixart or photobook malaysia!! - see picture below- Oleh kerana giveaway ini lebih kepada konsep sharing tips, jadi pemenang akan dipilih berdasarkan cabutan undi --OK
- Setiap entry layak untuk satu undi. Walau bagaimanapun anda boleh menggandakan peluang dengan berkongsi tips lebih dari satu tempat/perkara (contohnya macam mana anda organise mainan anak2 dan organise baju ahli keluarga). Ini dikira sebagai 2 undi tetapi boleh combine dalam 1 entry sahaja.--I GUESS I WOULD BE ENTITLED TO 2 VOTES/UNDI/DRAWS ;) FOR SHARING 2 TIPS
- Setiap entry perlu disertakan dengan sekurang-kurangnya SATU gambar yang berkaitan.--DONE
- Setelah siap tinggalkan link anda di bahagian komen-DONE
- Tarikh tutup adalah pada 19 NOVEMBER 2009.--OK

-->Black Croco Style Jewelry Organizer
Praying for my luck & rezeki to win! Amiin...
Mama Zharfan
nice sharing !
i luv that toy organizer..akk dpt kat mane yer rak mcm tu ?
i pernah nampak this kind of similar stuff kat harga a bit pricey coz Ikea brand
anyway, mine (the one in the pic) actually adik i beli kat adelaide, a gift for my Zharfan ;) siap shipping tu...oen whole toddler bedroom set ;)
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