Tuesday 24 November 2009

I won Ben-10 tix for my Zharfan!!

Alhamdulllah....finally, my Zharfan's wish is granted...
I won 2 tix (worth Rm153 each) from NST/Ben-10 Giveaway promo...I went to collect the tixs this afternoon at NSTP Office @ Jalan Riong Bangsar...so excited to be one of the 25 lucky winners (slogan-based + first come first serve actually)

My boy has been asking me to get the tix everytime he hears the promo of Ben-10 @ Sinar fm...I did try to join the online contest @Sinarfm, but no luck....
finally there's still rezeki for my boy to watch the Cartoon Network’s famous alien-morphing boy hero, Ben 10 comes alive on stage at KLCC Plenary Hall!!

o yess, my boy will be watching the show with papa on Sunday @2pm, as there's only 2 tix lor...i got to take care of Ariff as usual...after all the lady-in-charge of the tix also told me that baby is not allowed to be in the hall....

~Mama Zharfan~


  1. salam
    mama zharfan I have something for u. Please email me ur mailing add and phone no ya. Thank u :)

  2. alamak lupa pulak. my email add hayatizain@yahoo.com

  3. alahai zharfan....ben 10 ye...nasib dania suka Princess...kalau tak, leh tgk sama2....

  4. salam hayati...
    i dh email u just now. tq in advance yer ;)

    hi ezz@ena : boys&girls manalah minat sama character kartun plak ;)

  5. salam,
    saya dapat menang tiket kat sinar online . Alhamdullilah dapat 4 tiket sekali kat pkl 5.00.29/11 tp memang best dapat bg kat anak buah. suka jer dorang tu. saye pon tengok seronok sangat . tp sayang terlepas 15 minit sebab dtg lambatler.

  6. congrats ruha!! memang rezeki u tu menang from sinar! i joined jugak sinar online contest, tp not lucky enough to won the tix huhuhu
