Saturday 21 November 2009

How Do You Organise Your Bag Contest

Being a 'bagholic', any bag-related contest will make over-excited...
yess..."how do u organise ur bag contest' by MomBloggersPlanet & Gin&Jacqie!!!!

the clock is ticking...
ALRIGHT !! aRRRgGHHhhh.... what I'm waiting for ??
WAKE UPPP !!!!!!!

I'm gona give a shot !!!
credit to for the pic

oHhh bag oHHh baggggg !!!! it's mine, it's mine !!
uUhhh... ahhh....

just need to concentrade and put more...

but why ???? aren't I already got alotssss of bag !!!

yalor.... plastic bag.... ={credit to for the pic

recycle bag... and paper bag lor... =.="credit to for the pic

Let's go straight to the point....So how to join and WIN the contest???

Let me just share some of my tips of organizing stuff in my bag...

-->Must get (ie buy or win one) a bag which will give u chance to organize ur self ..what I mean here is get a bag with lotssss of compartments!!

I do love and did buy that kind of bag!!

See the pics below-

Got 4 compartments inside..

Got one outside

Got one on top of the flip cover
Got another one on the other side

So how it works????

Put all the cards
(ATM, credit card, I/C, driving licence, Bonuslink, Jusco bla bala cards) inside in a purse...again a purse with LOTSSS of compartment!!

And for all my other stuff...

  • I put my make-up (face powder, lipstick, mirror, comb, blusher) in one compartment!

  • I put facial tissue in one compartment

  • I put my keys (office keys, car keys, house keys ) in one compartment

  • And miscellaneous stuff ('lil rubbish') like receipts, bills in one compartment!!

-->Done! Simple rite ;)

My bag always look messy, look nice, easy to find all the stuff in a second...

I really love Organizer Bag like the one I'm telling here...
but now...

sad, sad, sad ..yes.. sad but true...

--> my handbag (cum sling bag) was damaged/broken yesterday...see the close up..'pemegang tali bag dah putus!!!!!

I bought the bag last 2 frustrated coz I bought the bag at almost Rm100 (not that expensive, but I love the design and colour...) feeling like I have wasted my money...sad sad...

I really MUST win this
The Organize Jacq set!!!!!!!!!...
  • to replace my broken bag!!! yess..true
  • I'm flying off to UK end of next month, so I would need a sturdy, reputable, gorgeous, cute bag to carry all over UK...
  • If I really WIN The Organize Jacq set, I would be proudly carrying the Malaysian product ie Gin &Jacqie brand all over UK!! Proud of Malaysian product!!--As Duta Kecil for Gin& Jacqie too ;)
  • Winning The Organize Jacq set would be one of the best, memorable, cherished winning for a bagholic cum baglover like me (never win from any bag-related contest--

DONE !! ~
Will just cross fingerSsss.....
Hope I'll see my name shine in the Winner List....
uhUh..?? You want it too ??

Of coz... go show your creativity.
More details at
click on the banner for further info

Thanks Gin &Jacqie for the kind sponsoring of the prizes!!!

Mama Zharfan


  1. thanks hanz!! good luck to u too!! may both of us win the bag ;) Amiin..

  2. Now both of us sudah menang! Yeah!

  3. yelah hanz...yippie yippee...beg baru for new year!!!
