no! don't be confused yer.. I didn't join neither win the Celcom Blue deko deko contest (me has been Maxis loyal customer for ages...huh)
anyway, I was over-excited decorating my house with the wall stickers that I won from Jundeco Stickers Contest (organized by MomBloggers Planet).
The prize ie 2 types of stickers were delivered in a box...

and that nite, my hubby helped me out with the pasting up the stickers on the wall...
see the result...
I simply love the flowery design soooo it is decorating my stairs at home ;) it really refreshes and enhances the house interior ;)
To Sharon @, many2 thanks for sponsoring the contest. The prize is indeed awesome!!!
Happy me,
Mama Zharfan
Wow...sejemput2 pun comel... saya nak juga has rumah begini tapi anak2 ku itu...uhuhuhuhukkkkk...nak tgu besar sikit, datang yang kecik pulak...agaknya umidah tua kot baru boleh deko deko deko...
ala siti, i rasa ok jer deko2 mcm ni...
anak i plak jenis yg tak kacau kalau bab deko2 ni.. ;)
kitorang ni anak2 siap buat mural tu...tak dan nak bertampal bagai....
artistic talent tu :p mana tau kot2 besar nanti jd org seni plak ;)
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