Saturday 3 October 2009

A surprise gift from MyDearShoppe @Friday morning

Thanks Mardiana @ MyDearShoppe for the surprise gift..
(actually I joined aidilfitri contest at her blog...didn't win though...but she was so kind to give conso prizes to all participants who didn't manage to win main prizes)

The gift is indeed perfect, just on the right time...
Coz I've finally decided....soonnnnn.... to go on CD (cloth diapering) for my in the process of buying and adding to Ariff's CD collection...

Once again Thanks Mar...terima kasih daun keladi! Good luck in ur e-biz yer!!

Soon to be CD mommy,
Mama Zharfan & Ariff


  1. Salam Mama Zharfan...

    Hadiah da sampai ye. Hope u like it...!Nanti jemput shopping di mydearshoppe e-shop ye.
