Friday 2 October 2009

Freeze Photography Photoshoot's gonna be a memorable 1st october...why?
me & my family had a photoshoot by Freeze Photography , the photographer is ZEFRI (he's the owner of the company actually)

Well...the shoot is the prize that I won from InTrend mag, in contest during Valentine's Day promo this year...
it was initially meant for couple's shoot, but for my case, it is an outdoor family photoshoot, themed"SANTAI"..

held @

around Taman KLCC!!!

We had so much fun (minus the tiring part ;)

Can't wait for the pics to be ready the photobook too.. ;)

Thanks Zefri @ Freeze Photography for being the sponsor <--the haf day shoot + package is worth RM2,800!!!

Penat yet excited..
Mama Zharfan & Ariff


  1. em...he's kind of 'un-contactable' now...even my pics+photobook until now still tak siap2..unbelievaballe rite?? anyway, i follow up dgn astro people, sbb zefri ni byk dpt project/work dgn astro...but personally, i dun like those who are not keeping their words (ckp nak siapkan my pics+photobook in one to two months time, ni dh lebih setengah tahun...)
