Wednesday 14 October 2009

Ariff & Zharfan in Parenthood Oct '09!!!

Me so excited to see both of my heroes pics appear on Parenthood Mag (under Today Publishing) October 2009 issue.

Ariff in Stars of Pureen section (one of conso winners..) the pic was taken at Tiara Beach Resort sometime in August this year..

Zharfan in Fiffy Happy Holidays section - the pic was taken at Cameron Highlands early this year (when Ariff was still in Mama's tummy :p)
Thanks Parenthood/Today Publishing!! ;)

Note : To my comper buddies, ayu-congrats for winning jusco vouchers (RM150) in Jacob e-raya card contest, and congratssss to jj for winning the GP in the same contest -->RM2K jusco vouchers <--that's a lot!!!!!!!!!

Smiling & proud mom..
Mama Zharfan & Ariff


  1. Bestnya Mama Zharfan,..dua2 pulak tu terpilih.

  2. tahniah sis,
    u ni, mmg tk pernah miss all the contest..gud 4 u & family..bila lg nk dapt brg free kan..heheh

    lately ni fwz lelah & demam..biasalah tu, kalo dah masuk autumn & winter ni..aktif lah virus around kita ni..
    so beware ur babies..

  3. unlisted_one : tq! rezeki anak2..i tumpang glamer hehhe

    ummufawwaz : cian fawwaz, moga cepat sembuh..tak taulah mcm mana ariff + zharfan bila first time jejak kaki kat notts nanti masa winter tu...

  4. salam mamazharfan,

    offer by invitation join kutu cd@mydearshoppe ye.kutu for brand lunatots dan juga coolababy.

    kutu ni tak publish di blog. kalo nak tanye pape leh tinggalkan soklan kat shoutbox ataupun email ye...

