Monday 26 October 2009

3 reasons why I'm soooo HAPPY today ;)

Sweet Monday...

1) this morning I received a parcel - a big polysterine box...'s my choc from Tasneem Choc<-- the prize that I won from the contest Di Sini Kisah Coklatku Bermula @ Sitisifir's blog...

The taste- if not better, it's equal to famous brand like Cadbury etc...thumbs up Tasneem Choc @

2) another BIG surprise...
I was in front of ATM to withdraw some money when I received a call from a lady--she's from 7-11...
yup, I won first prize in the above contest...(no rezeki yet to win the GP ie the car..)
well...the prize that I won is RM5K Singer Voucher!! <--first thing that I wanna buy/redeem is definitely a 'washing machine', as my old one has been broken down for quite some time..

Anyway, the prize-giving is next week 3rd Nov..

3) In the afternoon, the KFC FB beetle pose & win contest result is out...
Me one of the winners...can't wait to receive my RM200 KFC vouchers soon...
o yes...wanna give some to my nephews and nieces who have been helping with the voting @fb ;)

Alhamdulillah...I do believe that the winnings are all my boys' rezeki...

Grateful, happy me,
Mama Zharfan


  1. wah2....bestnya kalau dapat numpang sket....he he

  2. bestnya...szuie...congrats....super pro comper...hehe

  3. tahniah..nak numpang gak ble?

  4. waahh memang kagum tgk u masuk contest mesti menang..

  5. thanks guys ;) rezeki anak2 :)
    ayu - congrats for winning another lcd tv! best tu!!
