Saturday 5 September 2009

Rezeki WON a GUESS WATCH!!!!! have been blessed with rezeki this Ramadhan al-mubarak.
Yesterday, I received a phone call--> that I won a GUESS watch!!! That's awesome! I felt like jumping with joy!!

Shortly after that, the email from Guess came in, with the details on prize collection (somewhere near MidValley).

Actually, this is the contest that I joined:
GUESS Watches 25th Anniversary Facebook Contest

I've been selected as the winner for 2nd September!!-->this is the Guess watch which was won on 29th Aug's winner (I took the pic from Guess facebook)

To all my mommy bloggers friends & readers, feel free to join & try ur luck, as the contest is still ongoing, till 22nd Sept! Make sure ur slogan is catchy enuff to win the judges' heart, and your Guess watch might be ur jam raya ;)

Good luck to my beloved comper buddy Ezna & Ayuarjuna...
nanti boleh sama2 bergaya dgn Guess watch raya nanti!

Feel blessed,
Mama Zharfan


  1. hahaha bes gile menang jam guess...nak cuba luck jugak la..thanks for sharing!

  2. farah...cuba jgn tak cuba...who knows ur rezeki..dpt beraya dgn jam Guess! good luck yer!!

  3. wow, sis menang jam tangan guess. bestnyer;)
