Wednesday 2 September 2009

Me murah rezeki with InTrend won few more contests in magazine InTrend (under Astro/Measat Publication).

So yesterday morning, I went to collect my lil prizes from their office.

Here is the prizes...consists of a cute pink paper bag which contains a liquid lispstick plus a set of eyeshadow/blusher. <--these items must be less than RM200 as what InTrend claims in their promo...I suspect their staff have taken out some of the items from that pink paper bag..huh

which I won it from this promo..

And here is another I can save budget on my contact lense solution ;)

from this promo..

TQ InTrend! Worth reading & buying it ;)

I got a list of free beauty & make-up stuff now...Stage, Revlon, Tanaka White BioEssence, Garnier, and the latest one is Beautilicious <--me never heard of this brand, but it is the sponsor for Malaysian DreamGirl :p

Alhamdulillah...praying for more blessings in Ramadhan and coming Syawal ;)

Mama Zharfan

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