Thursday 3 September 2009

I'm CROCS fan...

I remember when Crocs first came to Msia, I was not keen to buy or wear or even be a fan, and me was of the view that Crocs sandals look odd...huhu...but people change :p

When it becomes trend (last few years) to wear Crocs Sandals in Msia (me talking about ori crocs kay..), me jumped into the bandwagon too--> terikut2 dgn trend...

and seriously, I fell in love with Crocs the moment I own one...that was last year...and I got it for free -->WON it from a contest in Pa&Ma is my first pair of gold/brownish colour-MARY JANE design...which is worth RM129!!! not cheap for a pair of sandals..<--redeemed this Crocs from IKANO outlet

I wear my Crocs extensively...for my social outings or at leisure..
Why I love Crocs? simply because of the comfort!! and not-bad-design too ;)

hence, I need a new pair of Crocs, as my old one is almost worn out..yet me still love it (LOVE at first sight ie or to be accurate love at first WEAR ;)!!)...and been aiming for the one in PINK colour!!!

and this morning, my PINK MINNIE JANE Crocs arrived!! this time I got to pay from my nice if I could win more Crocs for free :p

actually I bought this Crocs online..lil bit cheaper compared to the one sold in Crocs outlet<--dun ask me whether this one that I bought online is 100% ori..hohoh...apparently everythings looks 99.9% me not fussy about 100% ori or not...

I've been e-shopping a lot lately...from bags, my kids clothing, cloth diaper for my baby, perfume (one drop perfume), Crocs...and the list might continue...:p

Till then,
Mama Zharfan


  1. me a fan of crocs too. boleh ushar the link u share. thanks!

  2. hehe-selesa ek kak suzie crocs ni..xpernah try lg but igt nk try kan kat nufah dulu..haha

  3. hanz- well...i did try to wear it yesterday...emmm...the comfort is slightly less compared to my first pair of CROCS (which is ori from crocs outlet) me doubting the genuinity of the one sold online...huh

    sya - yup sya...selesa sgt!! tp of course yg ori tau (my definition of ori- buy/got it from the authorised Crocs outlet..)
