Saturday 26 September 2009

Cutest Baby Pocoyo Contest : Pre-Loved Fisher Price Give Away

is having the above contest.

Let's check it out!!

1.Become a follower of my blog and leave a comment to let me know (or, if you are already a follower, tell me that too!)--done

2.Blog about this giveaway and describe your child in 5 words and elaborate them(English/Bahasa).Then leave a comment with the link to your post on my giveaway entry.Open to boys and girls.

My child in 5 words :


All parents would see their child cute in their no my boy-Zharfan stays cute in my eyes, handsome boy and will soon grow up as a handsome man (time really flies...), being 4 years old now he's forever adorable, his radiant facial expression, look, big shining eyes are the best thing that ever came to my life, and he has made my life marvellous and worth living for, every single second of it! Precisely he's been and will always be my lil prince CHARMing, right from the day he was born!!!

3.Sent ONE cutest style with SNOW CAP(For example:photo above-any colours)

so here is the Zharfan in black snow cap (the cap actually belong to my brother ;) :p

4.Age:Newborn-6 Years Old,only ONE child.
--ok (my boy is 4 years old now, the pic was taken when he was 8 months old)

5.Copy paste the sticky mode and put it on the side bar.--done

The contest closes on 1st October 2009,12pm.A Winner will be chosen using random(greatest pocoyo style),greatest blog about give away and 5 greatest elaborated words and announced within a week.Thanks for participating!

Only ONE winner!--ok

1st Prize:Fisher Price bouncer and Fisher Price Playmat!!--lovely!!!

Ok, done!!

Mama Zharfan


  1. A little Prince Charming, alright! good luck!

    Owh .. saya dah update kontes Tweet n Win. Boleh dapat 5 entri jika you wat 1 entri kat blog. Jom join!

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