Friday 11 September 2009


Baiti is having the above contest, which runs from 03 Sept 2009 - 18 Sept 2009

let's check it out:
-->hadiah menarik & istimewa bakal diterima oleh pemenang
& 5 penerima saguhati istimewa

Syarat penyertaan :

1. Penyertaan terbuka kepada semua para2 ibu n blogger..
2. Perlu lah menjadi FOLLOWER Love My New Life--done
dan add my link nie di bloglist anda--done
3. Buat entry contest bersertakan 1 gambar ur baby anda yang sedang tidor
yang paling cute,chomel sekali...
4. Terhad untuk satu penyertaan sahaja (kang rabun juri nk pilih pemenang..huhuhu)
dan umur bayi ketika itu hendakla dalam
lingkungan usia 3 - 12 bulan--see below
5. Perlu disertakan dengan NAMA BABY, BIRTH DATE, PLACE OF BIRTH & NAMA IBU
6. Kemudian add banner contest kat side bar beserta ngan link contest nyer skali--done

7. Nyatakan skali aper yang special tentang blog Love My New Life

"Honestly, I love surfing & reading story of from mommy bloggers' blogs..that includes ur blog ie Love My New Life...and I'm fascinated to view all the lovely pics of u and ur baby!!!, I love the fact that u are organizing this contest ;)!!"

8. Sila tinggal kan link peyertaan anda di comment yerk..--ok

So here is the pic for the contest:
Nama Baby : Ahmad Zharfan Shah

The pic was taken when my boy was 11 months old, in my car, on the way back from Jusco Wangsa Maju, on my birthday!!! I went there (the playground) for mommy-baby's day out and to snap some pics of my baby & me on my bday to keep as sweet memories..including this pic..which depicting that Zharfan falling asleep after the tiring's outing with Mama;)

My boy's birth date: 24/5/2005
Place of birth : Kota Bharu Medical Centre
Nama Ibu : Suzi Fadhilah

Mama Zharfan


  1. salam terjah..yeyahhh..huuh..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...huhuhuh...tq dear for joining...

  2. salam dear..i raser cm ader jerkk..nnt u check bali erkk.heheh

  3. ok, dh check ;) now dh ader! tq :)
