Sunday 16 August 2009

Yatie Chomeyl's giveaway - Kisses of Love

Wanna get something special from Japan for free?. :eheh:
Yatie Chomeyl's family will be going back to Malaysia this September, she decided to make a special giveaway!!!Her hubby has been so generous to sponsor the prizes for the winners ;) thanks a bunch!!

So how to join this giveaway??
1) to put a kissing cheek cium picture and tell me why do you like the picture
....see below yer..

2)This giveaway is only for the follower of blog Yatie Chomeyl the follower..yess..done!

Link to blog Yatie Chomeyl in your entry and add my blog in your bloglist : (no link back will be disqualified)


3)Upload the banner of this contest to your sidebar


4) Only ONE picture per entry


5) Leave the link to your entry here to inform me that you've join this contest


6) Winners will be selected by the sponsor a.k.a my hubby


7) I reserves the right to change the terms & conditions without prior notice


8) I have the right to replace the prize with the same value.


9) This giveaway is open to Malaysia residents only and runs from now until 3 p.m (GMT +8:00); August 28, 2009





Why I choose/like thic picture??
--> I always love to see my eldest son, Zharfan showing his brotherly love towards his lil brother-Ariff...Zharfan helps me to babysit Ariff and always play with him...I cherish the sweet moment they being together, and it really melts my heart to see Zharfan kiss Ariff's cheek...I always ask, "zharfan sayanga dik tak?", and the answer is always the same...."yesss...sayang sangat2..."...sooo sweett...after all, Zharfan was the one who asked for one adik, as he is lonely and doesn't like to play alone in his toyroom ;)

Ok...let's now check out the prizes......

Grand prize : Kid's Yukata
(japanese traditional costume for festival *leh pakai hari raya nanti*)

2nd - 5th prize :

YC1 :
Men's bento lunch box (size: M) & sunflower glass cover
YC2 :
Aluminum Can Cooler & Kid's bento lunch box (blue colour)
YC 3 :
Girdle Sauna Supporter & Kid's bento lunch box (pink colour)
YC 4
Men's bento lunch box (size: L) & sunflower glass cover
(harga hadiah adalah sama nilai, cuma pemenang tempat ke2 di beri pel
uang memilih dulu hadiahnya :ayuk: di ikuti oleh pemenang tempat ke-3 dan begitulah seterusnya).

Ok then....
To Yatie Chomeyl and family....welcome home to Malaysia, and to En Suami to Mrs Yatiey..happy judging yer!!!

Till then,
Mama Zharfan & Ariff
8.35 am
~home sweet home~