Sunday 23 August 2009

Special Merdeka Giveaway - Laptop Bag @

Littlemamadiary is having a special giveaway – the very first of her blog.

The grand prize is this gorgeous brand new…..

Helen Keller Lady Laptop Tote from worth RM119!

It’s easy to enter.

This is what I copy paste from her blog:

No voting. No need to become a follower…

Just follow this simple steps.

  1. Tell me what you think of this blog content by leaving a comment here. Komen mesti pasal blog entry sahaja (bukan pasal teknikal macam layout ke… kaler ke, header ke…he..he)…. clue: apa yang me tulis ni best sebab apa, kalau tak best pulak pasal apa, bahasa yang dipakai boleh faham ke, apa lagi you all nak me tulis etc… komen & cadangan so that I can improve my writing in future.
  2. Write an entry in your blog about this contest (with link back here). Jangan lupa mention pasal entri anda di sini.

That’s all. Easy peasy!

The bag already here with me. Tunggu nak select the lucky winner je. . walla!

Terms and Conditions

  • Contest starts from today, 17th to 31st August 2009.
  • Contest opens to Malaysian only (tak kira la duduk kat Malaysia ke, Jepun ke, Kutub Utara ke, Afrika ke… janji rakyat Malaysia)
  • Winner(s) will be selected by a Lucky Draw.
  • Confirmed prize is the Laptop Bag but I would consider adding more prizes later on (balik godek harta karun dalam study room…he..he)
Hoping for my luck lor...since the winner will be chosen via lucky draw!

To littlemamadiary, happy blogging yer!! I love ur sweet blog!!

Till then,
Mama Zharfan
8.30 am
~home sweet home~