Wednesday 5 August 2009

Revlon - won from Cosmo

Me not knowing much about make-up...but always love (and it's my routine) having some very light make-up for work and outings -->liquid foundation, face powder(2-way-cake), lipstick, lip liner & blusher is a must...while mascara is for special occassion...

I have been using affordable brands like Loreal & Silkywhite..and now in love with 'Stage' <--won from Cosmopolitan mag few months back...

My latest winning from Cosmopolitan mag is few items from REVLON worth RM233. I went to collect the prize yesterday from Cosmo office at Uptown...

so here is the prize....

The prize consists of:

1)Molten Metal Liquid Shadow - Copper Crush
2)Blush & Bronzer - Plumberry Prun
3)Lash Fantasy Total Definition Mascara- Blackest Black
4)Protective Liptint SPF 15 - Deep Berry
5)ColorStay Mineral Lipglaze
6)Nail Enamel/Vernis

I always happy and overwhelm to win anything, especially those stuff that I can use :)

Thanks Cosmo...really2 worth being a reader for this fashion-lifestyle-beauty mag!!

Till then,
Mama Zharfan
10.40 pm


  1. Gosh..u are one lucky Mom! Winning streak lately,ya? Must rub shoulder with u, so boleh pass sikit aura u kat I...he,he..

  2. wah..mmg suka tul suzie msk contest ni la dpt barangan revlon yg byk tu..kita pernh gk dpt tp dr 1 je brg tk silap compact powder cz dpt saguhati je

  3. Tq Hanz & Mama Tisya!! rezeki :)
    ala, u all pun boleh menang...just beli jer mag tu then join contest...Insya Allah, ada rezeki boleh menang mcm i..not that hard to win from Cosmo kena rajin sikitlah beli, isi form, pos ;)

  4. If you do not want the revlon gift bag, i'll glsdly take it as i colect revlon bags. My email is
