Friday 28 August 2009

A phone call from Johnson2....BALI, here I come :) :)

At around 9 am yesterday morning, I was driving when I got a call from one Christina of Johnson & Johnson...she congratulating me...

Alhamdulillah, I won in Johnson&Johnson contest!!

I'm the Grand Prize Winner...
holiday in Bali for my family +
cash of RM2K :) :)

Being the grand prize winner is indeed overwhelming, the best part of course the cash prize, as me rarely won cash prize...
I was grinning, smiling ear to ear for one whole day...
I truly believe it's all rezeki of my lil Ariff and Zharfan..

Insya Allah, me & family are planning to be in Bali in December, with my close friend Ezna, who is also the grand prize winner of the previous contest by Johnson (buih-buih cinta Johnson Milkbath)..

August has been very blissful for me, with a long list of winning, no better words than saying Alhamdulillah....

Till then,
Mama Zharfan & Ariff
9.40 pm
~home sweet home~


  1. congrats..seronoknyer dpt adiah coti2 n cash..tahniah..

  2. Jom Bali!....

    Hehehehehehe...macam tak percaya je...
    Ada rezeki boleh ke sana bersama!!!! Yippie......

  3. Ummi Salsabila : tq ;) rezeki anak ;)
    Ezz : tak sangka sungguh!!!best kan dpt pergi sama2!!! can't wait to be there with u!! ;)

  4. Rezeki kan...u dapat GP i pun dapat GP. The best part, both dari J&J and the same destination. HUHUHUHUHU.....
    Dania adalah kawan....dah excited nak gi ngan Zharfan.....

  5. thanks ayu ;)
    yup ezz...zharfan pun excited...mama zharfan tak pyh ckplah, memang over excited ;)

  6. kak suzie-congratsssssssssss...cepat..cepat tiup sket angin luck tu kat ktrg..haha..mana tau menang percutian ke disneyland paris lak..haha

  7. thanks sya! ha...rajin2lah join contest sambil jaga aka dukung nufah tu...ambik berkat bulan ramadhan ni...disneyland parissss....memang my golden dream to be there!! amiin..insya Allah ;)

  8. Wah!!!! Congratss.. cepat2 tiup luck cik ngah tuh biar melekat kt sini sikit. Have a safe trip eh! oh, and jgn lupe souvenirs utk ank2 buah cik ngah ye. Haha.

  9. souvenir...bole2 :) bisa diatur :p
