Thursday 6 August 2009

My Boys Passports Done!

Alhamdulillah...passport matters settled..
My hubby took one day leave on last we headed to Immigration Office at Sri Rampai right after our breakfast...we arrived there around 9 am..not too crowded..we were instructed to re-snap passport pic for our lil Ariff at near by pic studio, as the immigration officer rejected the pic that we already snapped at Fotozzoom Sri Gombak (burnt Rm15 lah..hate this..)

After payment made (RM 600) for the 3 passports (ie hubby, Zharfan & Ariff)..we didn't have to wait for too long, as the passports were ready for collection before 11 am ...pretty fast & efficient service by Immigration Office!

We'll proceed to apply for UK Visa soon, hopefully by end of this month.

Till then,
Mama Zharfan & Ariff
10.30 am
my cozy lil office


  1. tk lama dh nk terbang ke UK ye...jgn lupa contact i tau...kot2 ler dh bz kt sana..bila la i nk jejak kaki ke overseas...ehehhehe

  2. sure ke msia dari UK murah jer..i guna skype :) kita still boleh email2 + ym ..cuma gap 7 hours lah..UK 7 jam dari Msia...ehh..dtglah ke UK..jln2..naik AirAsia..boleh tumpang umah cost accommodation ;) i boleh jd tour guide :)..believe me..u'll love London (i baru seklai jer sampai kat London city tu..) memang best sgt.. ;)

  3. mmg teringin sgt...kena simpan duit byk2 ni nk p uk...huuhuhuhu...kalo dpt p mmg save dh utk otel cz leh tumpang umh u...ahhaha..berangan..bila la dpt merasa..dr dlu lg teringin nk p...hehehehe
