Sunday 9 August 2009

Much-awaited winning from AWANA GENTING!!

I love has been quite a number of times that I received good, happy news on Friday...
and last Friday, I received this...

yup, a prize letter from Genting... winning 2d1n stay at Awana Genting Highlands, plus breakfast for 4 pax!! Soooo sweettt...
I have been wishing to stay at Awana again...I simply love the cool-hilly the room is spacious...and it's just 45-minute-drive from my home in Gombak..
I stayed @ Awana Genting twice -that was few years back (one during a seminar and another one also won one nite stay from a contest)..
winning this prize means that my wish & prayers nice ;)
so this gonna be my 3rd time being there soon...i guess after raya lah..since fasting month is just around the corner, and the voucher is valid till end of December '09.

Anyway, the prize that I won is from a contest by Sunday Times, in conjunction with the past father's day...

Alhamdulillah for the Zharfan does look forward for every cuti2 am I ;)

Till then,
Mama Zharfan & Ariff
7.35 pm
~home sweet home~


  1. besssnyee..dapat tajaan bercuti hehe..selat bercuti2 malaysia!

  2. congrats...best2...wah jalan sakan nampaknya arief n zharfan

  3. Memang best stay kat Awana.
    We really enjoy staying there! Congrats.

  4. thanks ibu addin dan nasa...yup...agree with u..that's why i really look forward to stay there again ;)

  5. msk blog suzie tgk entry menang adiah je..jeles!!!ehehhehe

    so bila nk p awana ni...i akn p nextweek on my sbr nk stay awana...last time stay awana ngan my family time zaman kecik2 dlu..berthn lama sudah...

  6. happy anniversary yer mama tisya!! amik pic romantik byk2 yer!!!
    awana is awesome, cool-romantic too! :) paling best mkn2 kat cafe tu...sbb boleh rasa fresh cool air, tgk green breathtaking scenery...
    i Insya Allah pergi awana lepas raya...nak kena plan + reserve awal2 kot2 fully booked plak ;)
