Monday 17 August 2009

MOBS & Comfybebe MOST LOVING SIBLING contest

MOBS & Comfybebe is having the above contest....

me so excited to join ;)

How to enter...

1. Be a FOLLOWER of ComfyBebe at

2. Be a FOLLOWER of MOBS at

3. Choose your best children's SIBLING photo and BLOG about it on your blog. Tell us a bit about why you chose the pic with your kids name and ages (min 2 kids)

My kids name and ages:
Ahmad Zharfan Shah (4 years old) & Ahmad Ariff Shah (4 months)

Here is the pic for the contest entry:

Why I choose this pic...

--> This is in fact one of my fav pics that I snap when both of my boys were enjoying each other companion...I always love to see my eldest son, Zharfan showing his brotherly love towards his lil brother-Ariff...Zharfan helps me to babysit Ariff and always play with him...I cherish the sweet moment they being together, and it really melts my heart to see Zharfan kiss Ariff's cheek...I always ask, "zharfan sayang adik tak?", and the answer is always the same...."yesss...sayang sangat2..."...sooo sweett...after all, Zharfan was the one who asked for one adik, as he is lonely and doesn't like to play alone in his toyroom ;)

4. Make sure it has a back link to both MOBS & ComfyBebe blogs

5. Leave a comment on MOBS with your name, email and blog link
(very important!!)

6. Make sure you add this (contest banner) on your sideblog with a backlink to MOBS.

There will be 4 main PRIZES but depending on no of entries, there might be more :)
--i love this part!!
Zoobie Pets
Poallu the Polar Bear + Baby worth RM134.90

Consolations Prizes :
Envirosax Bags
and more

Contest runs till 31st August 2009.

Till then,
Mama Zharfan & Ariff
11 pm
~home sweet home~

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