Friday 21 August 2009

I went to 5th Parenthood Expo 2009 @ MidValley

At 11 am today, I went to the Expo with my friend Ezna and her adorable girl Dania...

sooo many booths...crowded with visitors...lots of baby stuff to be bought...a list of exciting activities and contest held on stage...

and here is what I managed to buy...from Tollyjoy booth...see my 'hasil rembatan' - a box of nursing pads, a polo shirt in pink for lil Ariff, a pair of baby suit for my nephew E-ham, a pair of cute shoes for my Ariff...

and I got goodie bags from Today Publishing booth ( by redeeming cut-out coupons from Mami Baby mag & Parenthood mag this month issue)..

and I love this cute shopping tote bag in purple colour got it from Huggies booth...

Thanks Ezz for your lovely gifts for my boys...u are always kind-hearted...muahh.. ;)

If only I had more money, I would have shopped more...but got to control myself, as need to spare some money for the coming hari raya preparation...

Till then,
Mama Zharfan
10.30 pm
~home sweet home~


  1. Ala suzz kecik2 je barang2 nyer

  2. kecik yet lovely....ariff suka sgt buku cum rattle cum teetcher yg u bagi tu...suka sgt dia chew2 benda tu heheheh
