Friday 7 August 2009

I lurve Corningware!...I lurve Jelita!!!

Yesterday I received a letter from...

yepp...majalah Jelita (under Berita Publishing..)

Alhamdulillah....hiphiphoooraaaayyyyy.. I was jumping with joy!

I won a contest in Jelita...long time ago actually I joined this contest (in Nov 2008)...I thought I didn't from my experience, it is pretty tough to win a contest in Jelita (i believe this is due to their wide readership thru out Msia)..

And I won this actually(<-- I went to collect it this morning....)
Yess...I've been dreaming of owning this set...I always love Corningware (me using corelle dinner set and vision cookware)...but yet to buy Corningware caserolle due to tight budget and not in my priority list.. So winning this set is overwhelming...indeed..

I love the design.. and the function - especially can use on top of stove (direct fire) for cooking.. and it is worth RM429...rezeki for my family --> perfect for upcoming hari raya...
it's a really sweet winning on Friday :)

So it is really worth being a fan of 'Jelita' - lurve reading it, very affordable price, and lurve participating in its contests ;)
The latest issue of Jelita -August 2009

Many2 thanks to my buddy comper jingjing for her help and of course to ayuarjuna for her inspring effort & winnings (she has been winning a lot!!).. and thanks to all my new mommy blogger friends like Mama Tisya, Hanz, Farah Sarakids, Ibu Addinnasa,Mama Aqildini and many2 more...NICE KNOWING U ALL!!

Till then,
Mama Zharfan
2 pm
home sweet home


  1. i love to see that corningware....wahhh...congrats ya suzie....

  2. tq ayu...dapat aura u ni.. :) may we win big kk..Insya Allah (tp i tak join pun contest the star tu..huhuhu...)

  3. ahh nice one !!

    yea... maybe they do like the periuk siggy. do looks alike huh =D ~

    how lucky....

    Geting the thing u wan the most.
    the feeling was "OMG" !!!

    is this the only prize and u win it ???

  4. uiks..menang lg...corningware leh guna utk raya ni...hehehehe

    u sama ngan my bestfriend suka msk contest dlm magazine...i suka bc je lgpn tk minat nk bli magazine...ehhehehe

    i join contest online je la...ehhehehe

  5. jj...yup..i guess alos like ur periuk siggy design ;) sooo creative & the way, i'm one of the 12 winners!! feel so blessed & lucky ;)

    mama tisya.. passion started lepas deliver zharfan..dulu suka sgt masuk contest dlm parenting magz..antar my Zharfan pics lah..then this comping hobbies prosper and grow..kenal pulak few comper buddies like ayuarjuna, jing2, ezna...and many2 more...i like!!
