Thursday 27 August 2009 donut voucher arrived..*sigh

I remember when mymesra-Petronas team gave me a call about the prize delivery, I was 'berpantang' at kampung (sometime in May this year), and I asked them to courier the voucher to my kampung address...because I thought it would be delivered to me pretty fast..

but then....nothing happens, no voucher whatsoever...
until last few days when it was safely delivered to my kampung address (my mom called me to notify), and now the voucher is in my hands....

3 months waiting period <--I thought it was lost in the post/courier.. so can't wait to redeem the BigApple Donut (I simply love Dunkin Donut, so I'd love this BigApple too!!) Thanks mymesra--> better late than never, and to win something is alwaysssss better than nothing :p

Till then,
Mama Zharfan,
10 pm
~home sweet home~


  1. suka Big Apple..especially peanut & alien..lama tk mkn..dlu ms br2 kuar tiap2 minggu sure bli...

  2. oh ye ke...memang org ckp BigApple donut ni sama jer kesedapannyer dgn i akan taste Big Apple punyer soon. ;)
