Saturday 15 August 2009

Finally I managed to catch 'THEM'<-- EJEN SINAR.FM ;)

Yepp...I have always wanna catch these squad like ejen sinar, skuad perodua era or hotfm (some of the radio channels that I always tune to...)...simply on the reason of curiosity of how it feels to chase them up to get the free goodies..

and finally the chance came yesterday...I was driving, heading to Carrefour Wangsa Maju to buy some stuff, and tuning to Sinarfm as usual...when Linda Onn announced that Ejen Sinar is now at Carrefour Wangsa Maju...what a nice co-incidence!!

So the moment I arrived there, yess...there have been a crowd gathering around their mpv - Ford i guess...I joined into the mess :p
Ejen2 sinar whom I was not sure of their names, were distributing some free canned drinks (new brand off which I never heard of)...since it's FOC, i took one can, but later gave it away to one of the guy in the crowd..

Sooo after the brief into & briefing that the ejen wanna have a simple quiz for the crowd (including me to get the free stuff)...o yes...jamal jamaludin was also with the ejen ;p

to cut it short, these are some of my 'hasil rembatan'...trying hard to answer their dummy questions...very2 simple name one popular vacation sopt in msia...etc

let's check out my 'hasil penat-lelah' ;P
i got mag rapi+midi (karangkraf), nestle weaning set, choco raisin bread(gardenia), toothpaste fresh&white, nespray milk (sample pack) & car sticker...not bad lor...FOC what :P
the one I love most is the nestle/nestum weaning starter set, which contains baby bib, melamine spoon + 2 nestum sample pack<--perfect for my lil Ariff!!!

They only gave away one t-shirt (stingy meh :p), that is after the fastest sms typing of all sinar deejay challenge & ooo-zoom tie-breaker, and they gave one cd (songs of nash)..that is via mykad who got the most lettr 'N' on their mykad challenge <--obviously I lost..I only had 5 'N', whereas the winner got '15 N' <--he has a long name + long address on mykad...

Now I know how it feels to be in the mess to get the free stuff!!I enjoyed it though!!
Thanks sinarfm!!!

Till then,
Mama Zharfan
8.25 am
~home sweet home~


  1. La suzz....segan i nak citer dulu i kejar mix fm road runner...hehehhehe....i pernah...i pernah...kejar...i remember kat Dsara Jaya, Kelana Jaya and Taman Paramount....heheheh dapat free stuff such as Magazines, air tin....heheheh.....(Dulu i pendengar setia Mix Fm) sekarang dah beralih arah tapi still dengar Mix sket2.

  2. best gak sbb dpt free goodies!!!!
