Saturday 29 August 2009


Zieha is having the above give-away in conjunction with her upcoming birthday.

Me wanna join so, so let's check out the rules:

1) Copy gambar kat atas nie[banner] & uploadkan kat dlm N3 dan sidebar blog u olls

2) Wajib jadi followers kat sidebar di blog zieha n list kan blog zieha pada bloglist u olls......

3)Uploadkan satu(1) gambar yang boleh dikategorikan candid habis atau yang paling happening,lucu,sedih,gembira, terkejutss yang pernah u olls amik..
contoh macam gambar kat N3 atas nieh..tak kiralah gambar apa pun..
janji bukan 18 xx..hehehe

About the pic:
Well...this pic was taken at Zharfan 3rd birthday party, held at KFC Wangsa Maju last year... See..his pirate birthday party headgear was kind of loose/too big for his ended up like what happened in the picture-->the headgear was almost falling down, while Zharfan was trying hard to balance it, so that it wouldn't fall down !!! And guess where's Mama then?...Lor..busily mingling around chit-chatting...not really aware of what had happened to this birthday boy :p

4) Bila dah dapat gambar candid tu,tinggalkan N3 di link ini sahaja
janji nampak candid..gambar yang buat2 candid ..tak nak k:))

5) Pemilihan gambar berdasarkan gambar yang betul2 menarik dan mesti di amik gambar candid

6) Hadiahnya..adalah SURPRISED....kalau bagi tahu..tak besh la kan...hehehehe

kalau nak tahu hadiahnya..jom la join giveaway contest nie

7) Contest bermula pada 16 Ogos 2009-31 Ogos 2009..
Kalau rasa nak dilanjutkan ..akan diberitahu kemudian

8) Keputusan pemenang bloggers bertuah akan diberitahu 1 minggu selepas tarikh tamat
contest tersebut.

To Zieha, thanks for the giveaway, happy birthday & happy judging yer!!

Till then,
Mama Zharfan & Ariff
5 pm
~home sweet home~