Wednesday 12 August 2009

'Beautiful' winning ~STAGE from BUBBLEEBIZZ~

Issue 4 Lucky Winners of BubbleeBizz has been released on Monday 10th August (I knew about it when I surfed forum..)

And name is listed as one of the 10 winners for STAGE..

So yesterday, I went to their office somewhere near Mid Valley to collect my prize...
So what's the prize??
HOORAY...I won STAGE GIFT BOX worth RM660!!!

Let's peep what's inside the box....

hohoho....These are what I got from the lovely gift box (in red/black colour):-

1) Five Shade Shadow Palette
2) After Party Waterprrof Eye Makeup Remover

3) Standing Ovation Lah Lifting Mascara Waterprrof

4) Liquid Eye Liner

5) Lip Liner

6) Wonderluxe Lipstick- Candy Coy

7) Nail Color

8) Black Organza Monogram Pouch

Ouf of these 8 items in the box..the one that I love most is

Now I'm in love with fact, this is my second time winning STAGE stuff...the 1st time was from Cosmopolitan mag...

Now I can save budget on make-up..and got to have more effort to put on make-up after this :p...but I do...especially for special occassion and outings...

TQ to BubbleeBizz!!

note : congrats to my two good friends...ayuarjuna for winning GP RM1K cash in Wall Viennitta Contest, and ezna for winning 3d2n swiss garden damai laut resort in redfm contest!!! LUCKY BABES ;)

Till then,
Mama Zharfan & Ariff
11.10 am
~my cozy lil office~


  1. ho yeh.....suzie....u have to go make class....since u won so many make up items...heheh

  2. bess gile hadiah hahaha..dpt mekap free mmg sgt bertuah k!

  3. waahhh..aritu u menang maybelline kan? now menang makeup set lagi..very the lucky-lah u ni...

  4. ayu..yup..memang i minat pun nak join make-up mcm tak tau kat mana+tak ada masa..nanti saper plak nak jaga my lil baby..


    Hanz..thanks..yup, ari tu menang Revlon..byk plak itemnya..tak sempat nak pakai nanti :p

  5. wah sesuai le sbb u pun mmg pakai make up. Macam tau2 je they all nih....
