Saturday 22 August 2009

BABY in PINK Contest !!

Ibu Puteri aka Sha is having the above contest, which is due today at 5 pm!
The contest is in conjunction with Puteri's birthday (1 year & 3 months old now ;) soo cute!!)

Let's check out the t&c..

1. Contest ini terbuka kpd semua BLOGGER.. Tempoh Contest adalah dari hari ini sehingga jam 5.00 ptg pada 22 August 2009..

2. Contestant diwajibkan menjadi FOLLOWER blog Sha a.k.a ibu Puteri serta ADD link blog ini dalam bloglist anda..

3. Contestant diwajibkan untuk letakkan banner di side bar blog masing2.. Banner tersebut mestilah di link dengan link ini :

4. Sila upload sekeping sahaja gambar anak anda & buat special entry tentang contest ini. Pada gambar tersebut, nyatakan nama baby & tarikh lahir baby.. here is the pic..

Baby's name : Ahmad Ariff Shah
Date of birth : 15th April 2009

Jantina baby tak kira boy or girl, yg penting gambar tersebut mestilah gambar anak anda berpakaian baju or seluar berwarna PINK. Anak anda mestilah yang dilahirkan dalam tahun 2007-2009 sahaja..

--ok..done! in the pic, Ariff is wearing pink polo shirt,and pink hood (hooded towel)

Dan jangan lupe utk jwb soalan ini :

Kenapa anak anda patut menang dlm contest ini??

~Obviously for the reason that I love to see Ariff in pink...boy also can wear pink ok..provided it's the boy baby wear like polo shirt.

~Ariff should win because he's fotogenic and sporting when Mama busily snapping his pic (taken this morning hohoho..:p)

~Ariff is among the youngest baby taking part in this contest, and among the not-so-many ie minority baby boys joining in this 'pink' contest.

~Ariff is adorable in Mama's eyes..forever (ni sessi memuji anak sendiri lor..hehhe)

b) Apa yg anda tahu ttg blog Sha ni & kenapa anda suka baca blog ini?? Just nak tahu ape yg anda tau..Extra marks k..

~Sha is a mommy blogger like me...I love reading Sha's blog posting about her lil princess...
~Sha also loves taking part in blog am I, so this is one of the interesting similarities between me and Sha!

~I know from her blog that Sha has 6 siblings whom she loves sooo much<--obvious from her blog siblings day out-wearing in red :)...and so am I! I have 6 siblings too...and they are always close to my heart, my dearest! what a co-incidence!!

~one more similarity....both Sha & me born in April! my dob is 28th April, while Sha's is 20th April, as what she writes on her blog!!!

Pastikan di entry anda terdapat link2 ini ( kalau xde, ur entry will be DISQUALIFIED).

Link blog ini

Link contest ini


8. Setelah entry anda mematuhi semua syarat2 yg telah ditetapkan, sila tinggalkan URL-Link-Contest anda di ruangan Comment entry ini sebagai tanda anda dengan SAH nye telah menyertai contest ini juga memudahkan juri membuat semakan..


9. Pemenang akan ditentukan oleh juri Profesional yg dilantik sendiri..huhu...


Hadiah Misteri Menanti Anda!!
--hopefully ada rezeki to win!!

To Puteri, Happy Birthday--> 1 year old & 4 months...and to Ibu Puteri, thanks for the contest yer!! and selamat berpuasa too!

till then,

mama zharfan & ariff

9.15 am

~home sweet home~


  1. cutenya...pinky gitu..u beli betul utk ank u ke...afiq pun ader satu baju pink...

  2. yup ayu...i memang obses dgn pink kaler, cuma tak der rezeki utk dpt girl :p..yup, baju tu i beli kat parenthood expo tu lah, brand tollyjoy...zharfan pun ada satu kejema pink (beli semasa nak attend sarakids open day ari tu...)

  3. tk tau nk cakap apa, but subhanallah Ariff sweet sangat ngn pink color kan..dah le muka dia girly2 gitu..heheh..but he's still boy..heheh

  4. thanks ummufawwaz for the compliment ;)
